Sustainable Tables

“Sustainable Tables” with HomeArt: 8 principles of the alternative Christmas table

This year, we celebrate the end of 2021 as well as the arrival of a new year. In the last few years, we have become more aware of the value of being together, sharing and special days. We talked more and more that not only our friends and families but also the world we live in needs attention and love.

Of course, issues such as the climate and waste crisis, which are on the agenda of the whole world, require urgent action on a large scale. But while we follow international movements, there is also a lot of work involved in our own home, in almost everything we buy, and in how we manage their waste. We can manage our own home according to the principles of sustainability at the micro level and take great pleasure in it. Just be open to exploring!

1. Not to exaggerate

We were guests of the December issue of HomeArt magazine with the idea of sustainable tableware. When you think of New Year's, you think of inedible snacks and maybe even disposable party supplies: exaggeration doesn't have to be at the heart of the celebration.

Let's take a look at the first alternative that we created from completely recyclable and slow production material. We are very used to seeing red, gold tones, creams and blacks on New Year's tables. We see greens mostly in the decoration part of the work. We got totally free in the plate sets and went oil green and cut down on all the other details. We think that our oil green limoges porcelain plates could best suit a New Year's table!

Other than that, you can see that we created the density of the details from natural colors. With a raw cotton tablecloth, decorative dry cottons to support your posture, and white vases made of bioplastic material, you can imagine the fresh grass coming out of the snow.


2. Geometric asymmetry

If you can show the work you are presenting at gradual heights rather than on a parallel plane, you will transform the perception of the audience. The next time you go to a stylish store, pay attention: the shelves are necessarily displayed on more than one floor, created on the lower and upper levels. You can do this by using different sizes of glasses, vases, candlesticks and plants.

Click here for terrazo coasters and wooden candlesticks.


3. Compatibility of species

Feel free to use different materials. Porcelain, ceramics, glass, cotton, wood and even bioplastic! If you mix the genres according to harmony and rhythm, a polyphonic orchestra can emerge.

Click here for porcelain plate and ceramic spoon.



4. Out of the traditional

Traditional is not always good or always bad. Christmas is traditional, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't modernize it. “Undress” your Christmas cake this year and serve it naked! Recently, "naked cakes" that we see frequently on social media have also entered our radar. It enters the houses not only with its simplicity and unusualness, but also with its being "instagrammable".

Cone decorations, on the other hand, symbolize "being able to maintain the natural, the natural one and loving all elements from cotton to cones" in the concept we created.


5. Colorful and simple

Let's come to our second table... Even though we seem to give you a burst of color here, when you go into the details, you will see that everything is plain and simple, except for the decorative elements.

Like our first table, we used only slow production and sustainable materials in this table. You can create an elaborate table with amorphous ceramic plate sets which are shaped by hand without a mold, cotton placemats and napkins, a few live flowers and glass cups and share the pleasure of gathering together.



6. Unforgettable gifts

The saying “No gift is too big or too small” is perhaps one of the phrases that best describe the humility of our society. You can include your gifts on your New Year's table, gift recyclable materials or put forth your own handiwork.

Click here for placemats and christmas postcards.


7. Details

We have highlighted the harmony of the different types we used in our previous table, in this table as well. Don't you have ceramic cups of the same set? Use glass glasses and find harmony in details.

Click here for glass water glasses with Christmas decorations.


8. Contrast

You can buy several types of home textile materials according to your celebration concept and use your fixed dinner set for every celebration. You will also be surprised at the ease of creating the feeling of being in a different place with the same set of plates by producing a variety of light-colored and dark-colored napkins and placemats, your vibrant flowers and candles in different colors, without creating any waste.

Just be careful: if your plate set is colorful, keep the other items plain; If your plate set is plain, don't forget to color the other items!

Click here for porcelain cups and candles.

Click here for the amorphous plate set.


May your new year be filled with peace, health and happiness with your loved ones! You can share the tables you prepared for your New Year's celebrations with us on Instagram.

Happy dinners, happy celebrations!